Peripheral Vascular Partners

Let's Get Down To It

My Vein and Pain is dedicated to connecting patients with healthcare professionals that specialize in minimally invasive treatments. Learn more about our process.  

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Check your inbox for immediately eligibility results and additional information on the minimally invasive treatments that our network of healthcare providers can offer you.

Schedule A Consultation

Our team will begin working with you to find a time that works best for you and will schedule your consultation on your behalf with a a member of our preferred healthcare provider network.

Why We Make It Easy.

Our team has a combine 20 years of experience in assisting patients in finding the best options for their healthcare needs. Our focus is taking on the stress of finding a quality healthcare professional and scheduling a consultation. 

Our Focus

It is our goal to discover the most cutting edge, minimally invasive treatment options for a variety of vascular disciplines and then partnering with healthcare professionals to provide excellent care. 

Women's Health

Vascular health for women extends beyond that of the heart and can strongly affect a woman’s abdominal comfort and reproductive health, such as with uterine fibroids.

Men's Health

For some men, vascular issues may occur from the overgrowth of tissues or blockage of blood flow that needs to be corrected to restore function in areas like the prostate.

Pain Management

If you are experiencing lack of circulation, pain, or heaviness in certain areas, you might be having vascular pain. Often times pain can be centralized in the shoulder or the knee.


Arterial and vascular disease often occurs along with other diseases like diabetes or heart disease. The most common include PAD, CVI, and May-Thurner Syndrome.

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